Discipleship and Personal Finance
Mental, Financial, Catholic, Traditional Catholic Nathan Crankfield Mental, Financial, Catholic, Traditional Catholic Nathan Crankfield

Discipleship and Personal Finance

If there was ever any temptation for me to just hone in on one of the seven pillars of excellence and run a ministry focused completely on that, the financial pillar would be the one. Catholics often lament about the mass exodus of people who were baptized Catholic running toward one of the many popular non-denominational churches in their area.

I, myself, went through about a four-year-long phase where I was seriously intrigued by such churches, especially Elevation church in Charlotte, N.C. and Transformation church in Tusla, O.K. I have read a number of books by prominent Protestant authors like John Elderidge, Dave Ramsey, and Gary Chapman. I still follow the wisdom and teachings of a number of these people.

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We had hoped
Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

We had hoped

St. Louis de Monfort grew up in France with a dad known for having the most “fiery temper in all of Brittany… He was a volcano frequently erupting”

St Louis confessed that his temper was as bad as his father’s.  He’s most often remembered as a man with an almost incomparable passion & zeal.  

Mainly because of this, and my questionable ability to reign in my own emotions, I have a deep love for this Saint.

I re-read a story this morning about his priestly life that I can’t seem to let go of -

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Real Love & Hard Truth: Part 2
Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Real Love & Hard Truth: Part 2

Recently, I watched an interview with America's most controversial priest, Fr. James Martin ...

Fr. Martin is known internationally for his work with the LGBT community. He's coined the term "LGBT Catholic,"  which I inherently dislike for the priority I think it gives to someone’s sexuality over their identity as a child of God.

Needless to say, I was ready to disagree with him from the jump. 

But then I didn't. 

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Know thyself through the temperaments
Social, Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Social, Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Know thyself through the temperaments

Self-knowledge is a virtue that St. Teresa of Avila highly valued.

“Self-knowledge is so important that, even if you were raised right up to the heavens, I should like you never to relax your cultivation of it.”

Genuine self-knowledge leads to humility, being truly grounded in who we are as God’s unique son or daughter.

The concept of the four temperaments was first proposed around 350 B.C …

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Real Love & Hard Truth: A Soul Saving Combination
Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Real Love & Hard Truth: A Soul Saving Combination

On Monday, the Vatican released a Pope Francis approved statement which, in summary, said that Catholic priests cannot give blessings to same-sex unions.

This statement has been met with a lot of anger, devastation, and push back from both clergy and laity.

Fr James Martin, SJ is among the leading voices in what are considered "Pro-LGBT Catholic" communities.

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The Study of God
Mental Leeanne Leary Mental Leeanne Leary

The Study of God

The knowledge of God is the medicine with which the spiritual hospital that is the Catholic Church treats its patients.

The New Evangelization is the result of the current war against faith and reason sweeping the world today. It is a term used to describe the large number of casualties who have been wounded, some fatally, by the relentless attacks of lies and hatred.

As with any medicine, this knowledge is only as effective as the medical professionals who use it.

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Lost - a story of St. Anthony
Spiritual Leeanne Leary Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Lost - a story of St. Anthony

When I see the word, “lost” my immediate thought is to St. Anthony of Padua, the patron saint for lost items. Did you know that St. Anthony of Padua is also known for finding things that are missing that aren’t material? St. Anthony can be summoned when we are lost on our journey and need to find our way, or when we have lost our sense of self and need the reassurance to feel whole again. How has St. Anthony helped you in your life?

I love thinking about the saints and how real they all are. It is a fantastic thought to think that an average person could achieve the greatness that is so close to our father in heaven. The story of St. Anthony is special and unique.

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Choose to Hike the Mountain
Spiritual, Mental, Physical Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Mental, Physical Leeanne Leary

Choose to Hike the Mountain

Isn’t it crazy how different a certain thing can look from a different perspective? Our experience of life is so profoundly based upon not just where we stand, but where we choose to look. As a society, and even as a Church, we have lost our inclination to look for beauty in the world around us. Our planet, our lives, and our reality are all constantly changing. If we don’t start to pay attention, this sweet, short life of ours will just pass us by.

It’s time we become more intentional about the direction of our gaze.

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Brand New
Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Brand New

Do you ever think back on your past and remember a time in your life when things were going really well—you were achieving your dreams and living on a high—and think, “I wish that was still me.” You remember the rush of emotions and feelings you felt in a previous moment of consolation. 

Or maybe it’s the opposite. Maybe you’re running from the past—feeling like an empty shell of the person you used to be before the mistakes, the hurt, the decisions made, or life circumstances. You just want to be able to start over and shake it all off. But it sticks with you.

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Be Not Afraid
Emotional, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Emotional, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Be Not Afraid

The week we were leaving, I was scared out of my mind. I tend to get really anxious and worked up, so I went to Adoration to let it all out and pray for protection.

As I was sitting in my parish’s Adoration chapel, I looked up and I saw the words painted behind the monstrance - Be not afraid, follow me. I had seen those words on the wall for years, but on that day it was like they jumped off the wall. I even felt the Lord continue, “Follow me to Poland.” 

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5 steps to effective evangelization
Spiritual, Mental, Social Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Mental, Social Leeanne Leary

5 steps to effective evangelization

For two millennia, the Catholic Church has been the missionary church. 

The Catholic faith has and will continue to be the only religion whose primary goal is the conversion of souls. 

You may be thinking that that is a bold statement. 

You’re correct, it is a bold statement. 

One that also happens to be true. 

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Hail Mary, Gentle Mother
Spiritual, Emotional Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Emotional Leeanne Leary

Hail Mary, Gentle Mother

"Take a deep breath, really hold it, allow the breath to travel from your nose to the bottom of your chest, Marissa... take a deep breath, MARISSA.. are you breathing?" I think to myself.

Isn't it funny how the most straightforward act can be so challenging to do? 

Nathan Crankfield's blog, Mama's boy, on building a relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary, prompted this reflection.

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He Doesn’t Need Us
Spiritual, Mental Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Mental Leeanne Leary

He Doesn’t Need Us

I think praying is so hard.

Oftentimes my scattered brain can’t focus long enough to connect one mental sentence with the next and any visit to the chapel usually turns into a staring contest with the leaves on the trees outside. My greatest challenge is to fill my mind with quiet.

That’s why I write.

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Mama’s Boy
Spiritual Leeanne Leary Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Mama’s Boy

I’ve never been good at planning surprises for people. However, my mom was in for quite the surprise on Christmas Day in the year 2000. She excitedly opened up the box I had my dad help me wrap for her the night before. I was pretty thrilled to give her this gift. I was only seven-years-old, but we had a “Secret Santa” shop at school where we could buy gifts for our loved ones.

Mom opened the box and there it was. I had given my Lutheran mother a beautiful little image of Mary.

She was perplexed, thankful, and happy. Neither of us knew that this was the beginning of a journey that would lead to both of us converting to the Church and falling deeply in love with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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self love, and all the extras
Mental, Emotional Leeanne Leary Mental, Emotional Leeanne Leary

self love, and all the extras

It is challenging to scroll through Instagram or flip through a magazine in 2020 without continually hearing the phrase self-love. Not saying anything with "loving yourself" is wrong, but in a "Me" based society that puts the sense of self before "we," is it really conducive to promote a world that encourages to love yourself even more? 

Loving yourself can mean different things to different people. Some reserve their Sundays for quiet time and meditation, while for others, this “self-love" mentality is used as motivation to buy themselves that extra handbag or indulging on the second scoop of ice cream.

But if we really took a step back and paused, we would ask ourselves, where does "self-love" really come from? 

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Sit with me
Social, Emotional Leeanne Leary Social, Emotional Leeanne Leary

Sit with me

I know they judge me.

I know you think they judge you too.

This one is for those who feel like they don’t belong. This is to the people who feel unseen, unworthy, and unloved. This is for those of you who feel as though you are not enough to be a part of the Church because you don’t “look the part” or “fit the mold.”

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Grace: It Taught me to love myself through the cross
Spiritual, Physical Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Physical Leeanne Leary

Grace: It Taught me to love myself through the cross

In 2006 my mother took me to the neurologist after a series of profoundly aligned events that led her to believe I may have had a tic disorder known as Tourette syndrome.

At age 13, I finally received the answer to a riddle that plagued my life for many years. The doctor confirmed it, I had Tourette syndrome. This brought about a multitude of feelings. Relief, fear, and joy to name a few.

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Beyond the limit
Physical, Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Physical, Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Beyond the limit

“10 seconds!” 

I heard our coach yell those dreaded words as my teammates and I approached the line yet again. Running suicides in the Florida summer heat should be a scene from Dante’s Inferno. 

I tried to catch my breath as I stepped up to the line, but couldn’t—It felt like I was breathing through a thin paper straw.

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