Real Love & Hard Truth: Part 3
Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Real Love & Hard Truth: Part 3

And yet, we’ve seen the proverbial pendulum swing back in the other direction to a new type of extreme.

Now, it’s as though some people in the LGBT community and some of those who advocate for them do want homosexual behavior to be in a class of its own. It’s supposed to be the sin that might need to be completely reconsidered and revised. It requires the utmost sensitivity and care, almost to the point that it ought to be ignored and disregarded because of the emotional toil it creates.

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Real Love & Hard Truth: Part 2
Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Real Love & Hard Truth: Part 2

Recently, I watched an interview with America's most controversial priest, Fr. James Martin ...

Fr. Martin is known internationally for his work with the LGBT community. He's coined the term "LGBT Catholic,"  which I inherently dislike for the priority I think it gives to someone’s sexuality over their identity as a child of God.

Needless to say, I was ready to disagree with him from the jump. 

But then I didn't. 

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Know thyself through the temperaments
Social, Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Social, Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Know thyself through the temperaments

Self-knowledge is a virtue that St. Teresa of Avila highly valued.

“Self-knowledge is so important that, even if you were raised right up to the heavens, I should like you never to relax your cultivation of it.”

Genuine self-knowledge leads to humility, being truly grounded in who we are as God’s unique son or daughter.

The concept of the four temperaments was first proposed around 350 B.C …

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Real Love & Hard Truth: A Soul Saving Combination
Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Real Love & Hard Truth: A Soul Saving Combination

On Monday, the Vatican released a Pope Francis approved statement which, in summary, said that Catholic priests cannot give blessings to same-sex unions.

This statement has been met with a lot of anger, devastation, and push back from both clergy and laity.

Fr James Martin, SJ is among the leading voices in what are considered "Pro-LGBT Catholic" communities.

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Professional, Social Leeanne Leary Professional, Social Leeanne Leary

How I Navigate Difficult Conversations — And How You Can Too!

The need to have that difficult conversation tends to be pretty heavy and daunting. 

We all know the feeling -- it can be an all-consuming experience leading up to it. 

Either you’ve offended someone or you’ve been offended. 

Maybe there’s some sort of conflict needing to be resolved, or someone has some serious beef for no apparent reason. 

The fact that these kinds of conversations weigh on us proves to me just how much value we humans place on communication. 

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5 steps to effective evangelization
Spiritual, Mental, Social Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Mental, Social Leeanne Leary

5 steps to effective evangelization

For two millennia, the Catholic Church has been the missionary church. 

The Catholic faith has and will continue to be the only religion whose primary goal is the conversion of souls. 

You may be thinking that that is a bold statement. 

You’re correct, it is a bold statement. 

One that also happens to be true. 

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Sit with me
Social, Emotional Leeanne Leary Social, Emotional Leeanne Leary

Sit with me

I know they judge me.

I know you think they judge you too.

This one is for those who feel like they don’t belong. This is to the people who feel unseen, unworthy, and unloved. This is for those of you who feel as though you are not enough to be a part of the Church because you don’t “look the part” or “fit the mold.”

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