One Round at a Time
Physical, Mental Leeanne Leary Physical, Mental Leeanne Leary

One Round at a Time

God is the ultimate teacher.

… Brian Walsh was only 17-years-old when he was consumed by flames as volunteer firefighter during a response to a neighborhood house fire in the outskirts of Philadelphia.

Most people thought he would die that night, but he didn’t.

Most people thought he would die in the burn unit where every other person he had once been there with died of infection, but he didn’t. 

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Radiant faces
Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional Leeanne Leary

Radiant faces

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord”

Exodus 34:29

For forty days and forty nights on that mountain, Moses did not eat or drink, proving that man does not live on bread alone.

Do you believe that?

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Why Productivity Isn’t Everything
Mental, Professional, Physical Leeanne Leary Mental, Professional, Physical Leeanne Leary

Why Productivity Isn’t Everything

When’s the last time you went outside, laid on the grass, and just like, watched the clouds roll by?

Before this morning, I don’t think I’ve done that since I was a kid. Because who has time to just lay down and look up at the sky? There’s a million and one other things to be done.

But this morning brought me back to something important that I think a lot of adults forget as we grow up: The importance of carefree leisure.

Yes, leisure. Something I haven’t had time for in months given my current state in life.

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Choose to Hike the Mountain
Spiritual, Mental, Physical Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Mental, Physical Leeanne Leary

Choose to Hike the Mountain

Isn’t it crazy how different a certain thing can look from a different perspective? Our experience of life is so profoundly based upon not just where we stand, but where we choose to look. As a society, and even as a Church, we have lost our inclination to look for beauty in the world around us. Our planet, our lives, and our reality are all constantly changing. If we don’t start to pay attention, this sweet, short life of ours will just pass us by.

It’s time we become more intentional about the direction of our gaze.

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Grace: It Taught me to love myself through the cross
Spiritual, Physical Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Physical Leeanne Leary

Grace: It Taught me to love myself through the cross

In 2006 my mother took me to the neurologist after a series of profoundly aligned events that led her to believe I may have had a tic disorder known as Tourette syndrome.

At age 13, I finally received the answer to a riddle that plagued my life for many years. The doctor confirmed it, I had Tourette syndrome. This brought about a multitude of feelings. Relief, fear, and joy to name a few.

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Beyond the limit
Physical, Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Physical, Mental, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Beyond the limit

“10 seconds!” 

I heard our coach yell those dreaded words as my teammates and I approached the line yet again. Running suicides in the Florida summer heat should be a scene from Dante’s Inferno. 

I tried to catch my breath as I stepped up to the line, but couldn’t—It felt like I was breathing through a thin paper straw.

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