The Mission

 Seeking Excellence exists to inspire people to take ownership and responsibility for all areas of their life. We believe that in order for people to truly thrive in their spiritual journey they must be growing in all areas of their life. Thriving in life is impossible if we neglect our finances, our prayer life, our mental health, or any of the other key areas of the human experience.       

“I wish I knew then what I know now” 


These words are uttered everyday, throughout the world. What is it that these people wish they knew? And what kept them from knowing it throughout their lives? Regardless of their reasons, we know that our generation will have no excuse for ignorance later in life. In today’s world, information and wisdom are easily accessible, but largely ignored. We believe it is time to change that. 

The world is filled with people who live with deep regret and unfulfilled potential. As society and the world get more confused, hopeless, and misguided, we need sound teaching and direction on how to navigate life’s obstacles on our way to heaven. 

We want to inspire you to take responsibility for every area of your life. We want to push you to reach your full potential as the person you were created to be. We will provide you with the purpose, direction, and motivation needed to help you to truly live a life of faith-focused, well-rounded personal growth.

Our commitment is to consistently produce content via podcasts, videos, and writings that are real, insightful, inspirational, and practical. The purpose of everything we do is to get you to move in the direction that leads to your fulfilled potential. 


Seeking Excellence Ministries provides people with the purpose, direction, and motivation to take ownership of and relentlessly pursue their unique, God-given mission in life. 

Through various forms of content, coaching, and community, we help people become great stewards of all that God has entrusted to them so that they can fulfill their potential mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, professionally, socially, and most importantly, spiritually.


We Are Creating A Movement Of Thousands of Mission-Focused Leaders Who Strive To Live A Life Of Well Rounded Excellence, fighting back against the evils of individualism, modernism, and secularism that plague our world today.

Our aim is to inspire others to live radically different than the selfish, hedonistic, and apathetic lifestyle that is promoted by the world. Seeking excellence is about living life on purpose, for God, until the last breath.


We will focus on strengthening each of the seven pillars of excellence in our lives. Those pillars are mental, emotional, physical, professional, financial, social, and spiritual. We will produce content and resources that help people to take ownership of each of these areas.