A Call for Vulnerability, Part 1 of 3 

A Call for Vulnerability, Part 1 of 3 

Have you ever caught yourself in a moment of utter despair, pain, and loss? What did you do to pull through? Often, when we find ourselves going through difficult times in life, we cling and seek resources to help guide us through. What if I told you the answer to overcoming that hardship is diving deeper into what led you to that suffering in the first place?

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Come Holy Spirit
Prayer, Emotional, Traditional Catholic, Mental Leeanne Leary Prayer, Emotional, Traditional Catholic, Mental Leeanne Leary

Come Holy Spirit

“All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer.” -Acts 1:14

As we complete our Holy Spirit Novena, it is a great time to celebrate this Liturgical day along with exploring what a Novena is and how this ancient form of prayer connects to Pentecost Sunday. 

Novenas have enriched my life in so many unique ways. From my very first Novena said many years ago to St. Thérèse of Lisieux to recently completing nine days of nine-hour novenas to St. Expeditus, my love of this traditional prayer has grown exponentially.

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Professional, Social Leeanne Leary Professional, Social Leeanne Leary

How I Navigate Difficult Conversations — And How You Can Too!

The need to have that difficult conversation tends to be pretty heavy and daunting. 

We all know the feeling -- it can be an all-consuming experience leading up to it. 

Either you’ve offended someone or you’ve been offended. 

Maybe there’s some sort of conflict needing to be resolved, or someone has some serious beef for no apparent reason. 

The fact that these kinds of conversations weigh on us proves to me just how much value we humans place on communication. 

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Hail Mary, Gentle Mother
Spiritual, Emotional Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Emotional Leeanne Leary

Hail Mary, Gentle Mother

"Take a deep breath, really hold it, allow the breath to travel from your nose to the bottom of your chest, Marissa... take a deep breath, MARISSA.. are you breathing?" I think to myself.

Isn't it funny how the most straightforward act can be so challenging to do? 

Nathan Crankfield's blog, Mama's boy, on building a relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary, prompted this reflection.

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