A Call for Vulnerability, Part 1 of 3 

A Call for Vulnerability, Part 1 of 3 

Have you ever caught yourself in a moment of utter despair, pain, and loss? What did you do to pull through? Often, when we find ourselves going through difficult times in life, we cling and seek resources to help guide us through. What if I told you the answer to overcoming that hardship is diving deeper into what led you to that suffering in the first place?

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Why Productivity Isn’t Everything
Mental, Professional, Physical Leeanne Leary Mental, Professional, Physical Leeanne Leary

Why Productivity Isn’t Everything

When’s the last time you went outside, laid on the grass, and just like, watched the clouds roll by?

Before this morning, I don’t think I’ve done that since I was a kid. Because who has time to just lay down and look up at the sky? There’s a million and one other things to be done.

But this morning brought me back to something important that I think a lot of adults forget as we grow up: The importance of carefree leisure.

Yes, leisure. Something I haven’t had time for in months given my current state in life.

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The Innate Spirituality of Your Career
Professional, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Professional, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

The Innate Spirituality of Your Career

“Your ordinary contact with God takes place where your fellow men, your yearnings, your work and your affections are. There you have your daily encounter with Christ. It is in the midst of the most material things of the earth that we must sanctify ourselves, serving God and all mankind.” - St. Josemaria Escriva

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Professional, Social Leeanne Leary Professional, Social Leeanne Leary

How I Navigate Difficult Conversations — And How You Can Too!

The need to have that difficult conversation tends to be pretty heavy and daunting. 

We all know the feeling -- it can be an all-consuming experience leading up to it. 

Either you’ve offended someone or you’ve been offended. 

Maybe there’s some sort of conflict needing to be resolved, or someone has some serious beef for no apparent reason. 

The fact that these kinds of conversations weigh on us proves to me just how much value we humans place on communication. 

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All the advice you’ve been given
Mental, Professional Leeanne Leary Mental, Professional Leeanne Leary

All the advice you’ve been given

You’ve Been Given A Lot of Advice

Everyone wants to give you their two cents - from your academic advisor to your coach to your mom to your great aunt with the 4 cats - everyone is a little too quick to let you know that they know how you feel. They’ve been here before. They were in your shoes once too, but if you do exactly what they did? You’ll be alright. 

You’ve been given a lot of advice. 

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