Real Love & Hard Truth: Part 2
Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Real Love & Hard Truth: Part 2

Recently, I watched an interview with America's most controversial priest, Fr. James Martin ...

Fr. Martin is known internationally for his work with the LGBT community. He's coined the term "LGBT Catholic,"  which I inherently dislike for the priority I think it gives to someone’s sexuality over their identity as a child of God.

Needless to say, I was ready to disagree with him from the jump. 

But then I didn't. 

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Real Love & Hard Truth: A Soul Saving Combination
Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary Social, Spiritual Leeanne Leary

Real Love & Hard Truth: A Soul Saving Combination

On Monday, the Vatican released a Pope Francis approved statement which, in summary, said that Catholic priests cannot give blessings to same-sex unions.

This statement has been met with a lot of anger, devastation, and push back from both clergy and laity.

Fr James Martin, SJ is among the leading voices in what are considered "Pro-LGBT Catholic" communities.

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