Spiritual, Mental, Emotional Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Mental, Emotional Leeanne Leary


What season do you currently find yourself in? Much like the weather, there is a variety of circumstance changes that lead to different outcomes. The many seasons can include a season of waiting, a season of silence, a season of confusion, and a season of answers.

What can we learn from looking at the changing patterns of the earthly seasons compared to our lives?

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Radiant faces
Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional Leeanne Leary

Radiant faces

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord”

Exodus 34:29

For forty days and forty nights on that mountain, Moses did not eat or drink, proving that man does not live on bread alone.

Do you believe that?

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