
The seasons have never been as apparent as they currently are. Growing up and residing in sunny California gives you little ability to see the shifts of the changing weather. I have presently found much interest in witnessing the season changes with my friends across the country. Some that experience cold winters go as far as escaping the chilly snowstorms in exchange for a sunny retreat and warm day in a southern climate. The more I think about the magic of changing seasons, the more I grow in thought on how badly I wish I could see these changes take place in-person each year. This thought inspires me to wonder that maybe it's not so much the physical season change that I am seeking but the promise of change and a new perspective. 

What season do you currently find yourself in? Much like the weather, there is a variety of circumstance changes that lead to different outcomes. The many seasons can include a season of waiting, a season of silence, a season of confusion, and a season of answers.

What can we learn from looking at the changing patterns of the earthly seasons compared to our lives?

Let's take a look at what scripture says about timing and the season changes in our ever-evolving lives. 


For everything, there is a season,

A time for every activity under heaven.

A time to be born and a time to die.

A time to plant and a time to harvest.

A time to kill and a time to heal.

A time to tear down and a time to build up.

A time to cry and a time to laugh.

A time to grieve and a time to dance.

A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.

A time to embrace and a time to turn away.

A time to search and a time to quit searching.

A time to keep and a time to throw away.

A time to tear and a time to mend.

A time to be quiet and a time to speak.

A time to love and a time to hate.

A time for war and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


When you find yourself in a season of waiting or unanswered prayers, how do you cope? Do you find yourself shouting from the rooftops in gratitude for the grace that God gave to you? During dry seasons and emptiness, are you retreating away in painful solitude, or are you thanking God for the gifts he has given to you? In most situations, the only way is to keep going and find the ability to smile through the desolation.  

Looking to the beauty of a flower that must endure its seasons to begin anew; If the flower did not have the life cycle that it had, it would never get to the life that God intended for it. During seasons of deafening silence, let us look to the howl of the trees from the changing atmosphere to understand that beauty comes from a place of change. We can hear the answers to most of our questions if we are willing to open our hearts and listen for them. 

In my current season of life, I feel a mix of emotions, both happiness and curiosity. When you think that God is moving you from one season to another, there is no way to prepare you for the change. Does a light magically turn on? Are you supposed to experience a rapid shift from wondering to complete joy for this moment that you've prayed about so intently? Sadly, it doesn't quite work like that, but I wish it did. Throughout the season shifts and changes, it's important to remind ourselves that life is a constant ebb and flow and becoming a well-rounded person of faith requires us to go through specific events so God can form us into what we are made to be. It often helps to remember that while we are undergoing a transformative time, others may be experiencing a greater joy- a beautiful reminder that consolation is not far away. 

A few weeks ago, I visited a very snowy climate in the midwest, and I realized a few things. While I was taking in the snow and enjoying the frosty atmosphere, I recognize that others look at the cold weather as a burden and something that inhibits them from doing what they want. As I experienced the season's newness, I also thought about my friends and family enjoying a sunny, beautiful day miles and miles away in stark contrast to what I was experiencing. 

God offers us different views and unique thoughts, meant to stretch us, strengthen us and make us into Christ-like individuals. We make it through perspective and knowing that no matter what season we are going through, there is always something to express thanks for. If you live your life in a state of full gratitude, there is no question that the Lord will continue to deliver and show up in your life in ways you can't even begin to imagine. 


About the Author

Marissa Lenon resides in Manhattan Beach, CA. She is passionate about supporting young Catholic professionals to expand in their faith. Marissa writes with an emphasis on personal discernment, relationships, professional development, and self-empowerment.

Finding solace in the rosary, acts of kindness, daily mass, and novenas, Marissa believes the real pathway to happiness is helping others achieve their greatness and potential through faith!

Marissa facilitates marketing, branding, writing, and event planning for Seeking Excellence alongside a talented group of individuals.

Connect with Marissa on Instagram @bellemarissa_xoxo or send her an email at


The Study of God


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