A Call for Vulnerability, Part 3
Love, Emotional, Relationships, Faith Marissa Lenon Love, Emotional, Relationships, Faith Marissa Lenon

A Call for Vulnerability, Part 3

In part one of our three-part series on vulnerability, we covered what exposure looks like in day-to-day life. In part two we discussed how openness is needed to create a lasting connection, especially within romantic relationships. In the final article of this series, we explore what vulnerability looks like through the eyes of Christ.

Learning to love as Jesus loves requires incredible courage. He demonstrated vulnerability at its maximum through His improbable broken heart in the Garden of Gethsemane, his weakened body on the journey to Calvary, and his cruel death on the Cross. Was this supreme act of love weak? On the contrary, it was the bravest demonstration of love that the world has ever known. And we, though broken and bruised by shattered relationships and tired souls, must continue to say yes to the journey onward towards vulnerability. Remembering that when we grow with those closest to us, it brings peace to our hearts, and the most authentic example of vulnerability comes through.

Let us ask ourselves if we are willing to take the risk of being disregarded, rejected, and ridiculed – all for the sake of loving another. Suppose love is worth the risk, as it invariably always is. In that case, we must choose to become vulnerable and allow Jesus to break open our hearts, reveal our wounds, exposing them to the possibility of heartbreak, non-acceptance, and pain but also the chance of embracing and transformation.

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Come Holy Spirit
Prayer, Emotional, Traditional Catholic, Mental Leeanne Leary Prayer, Emotional, Traditional Catholic, Mental Leeanne Leary

Come Holy Spirit

“All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer.” -Acts 1:14

As we complete our Holy Spirit Novena, it is a great time to celebrate this Liturgical day along with exploring what a Novena is and how this ancient form of prayer connects to Pentecost Sunday. 

Novenas have enriched my life in so many unique ways. From my very first Novena said many years ago to St. Thérèse of Lisieux to recently completing nine days of nine-hour novenas to St. Expeditus, my love of this traditional prayer has grown exponentially.

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Who’s your hero?
Spiritual, Mental Leeanne Leary Spiritual, Mental Leeanne Leary

Who’s your hero?

Who is your hero?

Growing up, I heard this question every now and again at school assemblies, from coaches, my church group, my own parents. When asked, “Who is your hero?” my younger self never quite knew how to respond.

“Who is my hero? There’s got to be someone, Lucas.”

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Nathan Crankfield Nathan Crankfield


Here is a little fun fact for your day: the hashtag #selfcare has been used on Instagram a staggering 32.3 million times. Even better, #selflove has been used 46.6 million times. To take it even higher, #loveyourself has been used an incredible 61.8 million times.

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