A Year of Excellence, Part One
Seeking Excellence, Spiritual, Interview Nathan Crankfield Seeking Excellence, Spiritual, Interview Nathan Crankfield

A Year of Excellence, Part One

Happy Anniversary, Seeking Excellence! My name is Marissa, and I have had the ultimate gift of working alongside Seeking Excellence President Nathan Crankfield over the last year. We have received numerous questions on how we started, what inspired the organization's creation, and how the team got involved.

This exclusive Q&A session with Nathan, provides a little insight into the hard work and dedication put in over the last year to make Seeking Excellence what it is today!

What was your inspiration for creating Seeking Excellence?

My inspiration for beginning was derived from one of my most quoted scripture passages that comes from the Gospel of Matthew. In Matthew 9, where Jesus goes, and he heals various people in the town; a blind man, a layman, all different and unique in circumstances. The gospel says that he went through all the cities and villages, healing every infirmity and every sickness that he came across. When Jesus looked out towards the crowd he had pity for them. Jesus had compassion for their conditions and that they were helpless like sheep without a shepherd.

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