Discipleship and Personal Finance
Mental, Financial, Catholic, Traditional Catholic Nathan Crankfield Mental, Financial, Catholic, Traditional Catholic Nathan Crankfield

Discipleship and Personal Finance

If there was ever any temptation for me to just hone in on one of the seven pillars of excellence and run a ministry focused completely on that, the financial pillar would be the one. Catholics often lament about the mass exodus of people who were baptized Catholic running toward one of the many popular non-denominational churches in their area.

I, myself, went through about a four-year-long phase where I was seriously intrigued by such churches, especially Elevation church in Charlotte, N.C. and Transformation church in Tusla, O.K. I have read a number of books by prominent Protestant authors like John Elderidge, Dave Ramsey, and Gary Chapman. I still follow the wisdom and teachings of a number of these people.

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