Seeking Excellence

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Be Not Afraid

The summer before my sophomore year of college, I was asked to help chaperone a group of high schoolers from my parish for a trip to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. I was randomly invited to attend and was really excited about the event since my siblings and mom were also going. As the trip approached, I started getting more and more anxious. I don’t remember exactly what was going on in the world at the time, but I do remember there were a good amount of terrorist attacks in the news. Whether it was warranted or not, we were all somewhat anxious, knowing we were going to be in a crowd of a couple million young Catholics.

The week we were leaving, I was scared out of my mind. I tend to get really anxious and worked up, so I went to Adoration to let it all out and pray for protection. As I was sitting in my parish’s Adoration chapel, I looked up and I saw the words painted behind the monstrance - Be not afraid, follow me. I had seen those words on the wall for years, but on that day it was like they jumped off the wall. I even felt the Lord continue, “Follow me to Poland.” 

Sure enough, that trip was one of the most transformational experiences of my life, we were totally safe, and I look back on it as the beginning of my faith truly deepening in college. 

Over and over again, the Lord calls me deeper and deeper into Him and His plan for my life by reminding me to not be afraid and to follow Him. I know this call is directly from Him because He knows my tendency towards fear and anxiety. Ever since I was young, I’ve been a planner. In fact, in high school I thought I had planned my entire life. When those plans started falling apart I found myself getting more and more anxious. 

I was so comfortable with my plan. 

My plan looked like staying in my hometown surrounded by the same people I grew up with and went to college with. I was going to be a youth minister at my home parish, just a two minute drive from my childhood home. I was going to marry my high school sweetheart and everything was going to be picture perfect - everything was going to be comfortable. 

That plan started to fall apart my freshman year of college, right around the time I was invited to go to World Youth only the Lord’s perfect timing and planning would have it. One of the fruits of that 2016 World Youth Day experience was getting to know my now saint best friend, John Paul II. And once again, what brought me closer to him was the fact that he too repeatedly reminded the world, and me, to “Be Not Afraid.” 

He continued the phrase in an even deeper way with his iconic words, “Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity.” As I’ve grown to know him and pray with these words, I’ve seen why the Lord called me out of my comfort zone. That comfortability with my plan kept, and continues to keep, me rooted in mediocrity. When I let myself stay comfortable or when I don’t do things that scare me, I live a mediocre life. The experiences I’ve had of greatness, deep conversion, or growth have all come from doing something that brought me intense anxiety at first. 

Ever since those words jumped off the wall at me for the very first time, I’ve found myself praying before big experiences or changes in my life (usually in the same Adoration chapel), and seem to always hear the Lord saying to me “Do not be afraid, follow me ___” 

“Do not be afraid… 

...Follow me to study abroad

...Follow me out of your comfort zone 

...Follow me into the world away from your family

You’ll have to plan your own trips, be surrounded by people who don’t speak your language, and you’ll get into a number of uncomfortable situations, but I’ll always be there.” 

...Follow me to Washington, DC for a summer - living on your own for the first time and working as an intern in Congress, even though you’re a mere youth ministry major. You’ll have roommates who don’t believe the same things as you, you’ll have to answer tough questions about your faith, and you’ll be pushed to believe in yourself when your boss asks you to draft  letters to be sent to major political figures, but I’ll give you strength.”

 ...Follow me to a year of mission, where you’ve barely known anyone in the organization for more than a few months. You’ll live in a town where you know no one. You’re going to have to share the intimate parts of your story and conversion with middle school and high school students practically every day, but I’ll reward you with incredible moments of healing.”

 …Follow me to dating this person, or breaking up with this person, or not dating this person, even though you thought you had a plan. You’ll get confused, you’ll have doubts, but I’ll bring you peace.”

...Follow me back to your little college town, even though everyone seems to wonder why you’re not doing something “bigger.” You’ll wonder why from time to time, but I’ll bring you little reminders that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.”

We need to get out of our comfort zones. 

I feel like such a hypocrite saying so, as I’ve struggled with this just as much as anyone else, but my life experiences have proven to me that doing so is the only way to truly become the person the Lord is calling me to be. Sometimes, you just have to keep moving forward in faith, even if you feel like you have no idea what’s going on. If something scares you, bring it to prayer. I guarantee there’s a lesson to be learned or a moment for personal growth that is needed. 

Follow Him, everywhere.